Searchinfos is a forum for discussion, debate and mutual aid.

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Here tens of thousands of people, of all ages, all backgrounds, converge to debate, discuss, cultivate, share their knowledge and help each other.

We invite you to discover the hundreds of thousands of topics existing on our Forums – do not hesitate to participate! Registration, which is free, also reduces the number of advertisements displayed.

Searchinfos has several uses, it allows Internet users to find an answer to a question they ask themselves, by soliciting the knowledge of other Internet users. It also brings together Internet users wishing to share information, advice, opinions, etc., on the same passion.

The answers are reviewed by qualified experts before being published, looking for the best references to information.

Some categories are regulated by “moderators”, with posts being controlled by a human person who reads all posts to ensure they meet the rules of the group and the subject matter.